How to Protect Online Privacy

As we all are well aware of the uses of the internet, it has become a vital resource for the entire world. We all rely totally on the internet for our daily chores. We use the internet for the smallest things such as sending and receiving emails, filling up the examination forms, checking the results, doing online shopping, purchasing clothes and stuff, ordering food online, even the certificates are now being issued online, we search for valid information, post our day to day pictures on social media etc.
 Free Wi-Fi hotspots are available across the world which has made it easier for us to access the internet outside the home, but we never know that while doing this, we are making ourselves vulnerable to cyber abusers and criminals. While using public Wi-Fi, we should always keep a check on our privacy. When we search for a website or log in on social media, we always leave some digital footprints which can be used to trace our identity.


The government may be scrutinizing you without your knowledge, maybe for the reason of national security. It can also demand your information from companies such as Google, Facebook, and ISP. Your boss at the workplace may also be spying on you to see how much time you waste on the internet. Your ISP may be having your personal information. ISP assigns an IP address every time we use the internet, from the same, ISP knows everything we do online. It is usually not much harmful.


We can protect our online privacy by following some simple steps such as observing our own searches, installing antivirus security system, using a personal VPN, using strong and complexes passwords, following the email security rules well, Deleting the tracking cookies, making sure that sites are secured.
  1. Observing what we search for: It is important to know what we search for the most so that we can be an active responder if caught in any misleading situation.
  2. Antivirus security systems: These systems ask for your permission before letting in any corrupt file which may be harmful to your device. It scans the viruses and maintains security. Although it is not 100% secure it minimizes the level of threats.
  3. A (VPN) Virtual private network is a must: It is a must to have a VPN; it doesn’t allow the snoopers and hackers from receiving your IP address. It secures privacy online by creating a secure tunnel on the internet between the VPN server and your device. Some of the VPN also helps in providing a secondary IP address at the place of the actual IP address.
  4. Using strong passwords and email security rules: If you see any caution asking for your bank details, ignore it, this is called phishing. Do not download any suspicious file. Use a secure email service such as Gmail and Hotmail. Use secure email providers such as Hush mail and Vault let mail.
Graccey Leio is an innovative being who has been doing intensive study in particular topics and composing blogs and articles like Webroot Support, Webroot Customer Service, Webroot Billing Support and numerous other related topics. She is a massively educated individual with heaps of ability.


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